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Hi =),
Since childhood I've been fascinated by the playful narratives provided by open TV animations and a brief experience with game development during graduation was enough to expand my horizons and make my vocation and interest clear: working with arts for entertainment.
It was during graduation that I also found myself with a multipotential profile, always curious about new techniques and styles of telling an exciting story. I love discovering new programs for making art, new skills, in addition to improving the ones I already have. I confess that sometimes it is difficult to reconcile so much thirst for knowledge, but I always find a way. This versatility is still present in my portfolio today and I love that about me.
From now on I continue to choose to help other people tell stories, in addition to telling my own. The most recent one is called Ebu, an crossmedia project that other dreamers and I are bringing to reality to talk about relationships and fun. Soon I will bring news of this pregnancy here on the site as well.
How about you, what stories do you want to tell? Maybe I can help you with that! Do not hesitate to get in touch if you believe so. I already believe!
"It's a pleasure to color the world with the art of being me."
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